Category Archives: environmental issues

further thoughts on “…is oil the root of all evil?”

How can we call ourselves civilized, when we still live in a society that is based on war, corruption and greed. Perfect conditions for a reality which has been the way of the world since the ages… and the world was about money…& profit …that would lead you to power and riches. Established only by false believes a human behaviour pattern was created  based on a money equals power economy, with corruption as it’s cornerstone. Perfect conditions in nature became natural enemies to such a profit-based society. Abundance, sufficiency and sustainability needed to be destroyed in order to profit big.

Instead of unconditional love towards one another we learned how to alienate through social standards, developed a self-serving attitude and followed an illusion. To strengthen this misconception, good minds, good ideas became outlawed. With no concern for our own kin we turned our back to nature and subscribed to this false man-made reality and called it civilization.

In order to gain “ riches”  this age killed of all natural abundance and is still destroying the last remaining resources. In the name of progress, profit and power, humanity is killing itself and there is absolutely no reason. The fear of scarcity is artificial. This system must go or we will never be free. A true gift to humans is the capability to create with scientific ingenuity better living conditions. We must be open to new ideas, alternatives and better solutions. Technology is responsible for a better lifestyle not money or politics. So, the old age has to die to give way to a new understanding. We are in need of a new reality that centers on our close connection with this earth and our close connection with each other.

There is no control in nature, only a fine balance we became unaware off. We do not need to continue on a road that leads nowhere. Already we found many ways to improve our lives without being enslaved by money.  There is absolutely no reason but pure corrupt profit interest why we can’t have clean renewable energy, why we can’t feed and shelter everyone on this planet. The Technology is available.

Imagine that this (only by false believes) created and established human behaviour in us,… the way we are suppose to behave as civilized man, can be changed . The social awareness is changing. Abundance, sufficiency and sustainability are possible for all of us, as long as we don’t paralyze growth by selfish thoughts of illusionary riches.

 Imagine that more and more people will wake up to embrace this older then time principle to love one another rather then follow this hallow dream of self-indulgence. Then and only then will we be able to get rid of a unbalanced sick way of life and become civilized.

Imagine all the people… I’m hoping for my children’s children sake that we are able to change and develop better values, a better way of being. To become aware of the lies and falseness of the ages is the first step to end it…

A new blog and a new post about an old love of mine.

        • fun on the water
        • with music and a natural mystic floating through the air
        • we sail back into the ages.
        • With the air blowing through your hair
        • You too, may experience the magic.
  •                                                 Vancouver harbours overflow

New format…    new style…

   adventure…      about living on the water…

 about the thrill of sailing…  

 about exploring the Gulf Islands and the Salish Sea…

  …helping one another and working together…

environmental issues

and about you,

to get involved, to share and

                                                    if you never been to sea,

here is your chance to get experienced,

you might just love it.

march 20 cow bay sailing with Sol 063

If to be poor and content is to be rich,

I still got a long road ahead of me.

This blog is to be a combination of creative writing, a diary or log-book, communicating with friends, advertising the pleasure of sailing, sharing interesting information and creating a platform to connect with likeminded people. It works best with feedback.

Is oil the root of all evil?–…

…or is it our desire  to live as powerful and comfortable as possible.  How important is your level of comfort, when it comes with an enormous price tag, the possible destruction of live on this planet. We are at war over the last remaining resources, rather then unite and find alternative solutions to nurture this home planet  and the survival of man-kind. Will we end up another civilization that self-destruct and varnished in it’s prime?

If to be poor and content is to be rich,

I still got a long road ahead of me.


click here for more cartoons, but please… do come back…

We are not yet aware of the consequences of our our constant and ignorant interference with this fine-tuned balance in nature we have on this Earth (or we like to ignore the obvious out of convenience).

Ignorance is not bliss, but will punish us all along the way.

Thought of the day:

Mankind might still have a chance to survive, if only we all cared a little more about this Earth and ALL life it contains and a little less of ourselves as individuals.

What does it take to wake up and root out the evil.

  • …helping one another and working together…
  • an e-mail from ForestEthics I like to share:

    Greetings Andreas,
    Yesterday, my colleague Andrew Frank went to the press with claims that the Harper Government has taken aim at ForestEthics, going as far as calling us an “Enemy of the Government of Canada.”1
    While a spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office denied using this language, he refused to comment when asked whether ForestEthics was targeted by the government.2 There’s a good reason they wouldn’t comment: it’s true. It’s now being reported that in private meetings the Prime Minister’s Office pointed to ForestEthics as an example of a group acting “against the government of Canada and the people of Canada3” by opposing Big Oil’s attempts to bring pipelines and oil tankers into the Great Bear Rainforest.
    Now is the time to rally and bring in every Canadian who cares about our natural resources and preserving democracy in Canada.
    Sign this petition to PM Harper telling him that you won’t be silenced >>

    The in recent months – including a threat to prevent some people from speaking in the Joint Review Panel hearings3 — has confirmed that they’re out to silence any opposition to Tar Sands development, be it charity or even individual Canadian citizens.
    To be clear, this IS about oil spills in 600+ salmon rivers, our pristine West Coast, and the majestic Great Bear Rainforest. But it’s ALSO about millions of Canadians, democracy, freedom of speech, and not being intimidated by our own government.
    Will you stand up for future generations? Will you stand up for our ability to openly debate the issues and participate in the democratic process?
    Sign this petition. We’ll deliver it to PM Harper and copy the press to let Harper – and the world – know he can’t turn his back on real Canadians in his attempt to pander to China and his Big Oil buddies